In response to the growing size and speed of the current Women’s class, we will be introducing two new women’s classes for 2021. Women’s Pro Class and Women’s Amateur Class.
The Women’s Pro class will be a premier racing option for women competing in New England and will serve as an excellent platform to further the sport for women in New England. The class will be 100% Pro Payback and will also start on the front row of heat 6 & 12. (Along side the Junior A class)
The former women’s class will now be the Women’s Amateur class and will be available for all other women competing below the professional level. The women’s Amateur class will remain on the fourth row of heat 4 & 10.
Women’s Amateur Class
Must ride motorcycle with a rear tire no smaller than 16” and a front tire no smaller
than 19”.
Purple backgrounds / white numbers
Note- Starting in 2021 the women’s amateur class will now follow the standard J Day Off Road promotional point system. After 30 promotional points women’s amateur class racers will be eligible for promotion to the Women’s Pro Class.
(For more information on our promotional system please see the promotional point section on our rule book)
Women’s Pro
Any women racer in any other championship off road/motocross series that is currently ranked
as a professional, elite, AA or has been ranked pro or AA within the last 5 years (2016 or
later). 122 cc –Open.
The top 5 overall riders from the 2020 women’s class championship.
Blue backgrounds / white numbers
Note- For 2021 the Top 5 overall riders from the previous 2020 Women’s class will be required to race the Women’s Pro Class. Riders outside of the 2020 top 5 are eligible for women’s pro class, but not required.