**The race commander shall reserve the right to penalize, disqualify, or make any necessary adjustments to existing rules due to any special circumstances of the track, location, or other special conditions**
All J Day GP participants must have a valid J Day Off Road Membership. J Day yearly memberships are $55.00.
Participants may also purchase a single day membership for individual events which is a $25.00 fee.
All Adult/ Youth classes will have a $55.00 entry fee, $50.00 if you pre enter online and will be scheduled to 11 participate in two 30-minute heats. Pee Wee Classes will be $40.00 and will have ONE 40-minute race at 8:00 AM
**Riders under 18 must have a parent or guardian present at registration.
Note: Helmets are required at registration for each and every event. **
Moto Tally transponders will be $20.00 and will be good for any J Day race in the future. If the Transponder is ruined or does not function after the first event from which it is purchased, for any reason it is the rider’s responsibility to purchase a new transponder. Transponders will be placed under the visor of the participants helmet by a member of our registration crew and will be inspected at each and every sign up.
The AA class will be 100% Pro Payback at each regular season J Day GP event. All of the pro entry fees for that race day will be awarded to the TOP 3 overall Pro finishers for that particular event.
If there are 15 or more Pro Riders the Pro Purse will be awarded to the TOP 5 Pro finishers. An A rider is not eligible for the Pro Payback as his entry fee is not included in the Pro Purse. The Pro Purse is determined from AA racers only. Expert riders altering the overall results will not be a factor.
** Women’s Pro Class is 100% pay back at each regular season event.
** Pro/A 125 Class is 100% pay back at each regular season event.
Tracks will be 1-3 miles in length and will consist of various terrain including woods, motocross, man-made obstacles, grass tracks, and other off-road terrain.
FMF Xtreme Section
A small portion of the course (usually 20 seconds – 1 minute) that tests the rider’s ability in technical conditions such as rocks, logs, water etc. and offers an exceptional experience for the spectators.
The FMF Xtreme section is optional for all classes
The easy way around the extreme section will strategically be a couple seconds slower.
All classes will have two 30-minute moto’s.
The race will end when the leader of the heat is scored no sooner than 27 minutes into the moto. The end of the race is signified by the checkered flag.
J Day Off Road reserves the right to conduct races regardless of the weather conditions. Appropriate schedule changes can be made by J Day Off Road to accommodate the track and quality of the event.
Class Race Schedule | |
**Waves are separated by 1 min intervals** **Pee Wee’s Separated by 30 Seconds** | |
8:00am | (R1) Pee Wee SR (R2) Pee Wee Trailer Rider (R3) Pee Wee Bantam/Pee Wee Electric (R4) Pee Wee Squirt/Pee Wee Girls |
9:00am | (R1) Super Mini (R2) Mini SR ( 12-15) (R3) Mini JR (6-11)/ Girls |
9:40am | (R1) C 250 (R2) C Open (R3) C 200 |
10:20am | (R1) Women Pro/Women Amateur (R2) Super Senior (R3) C Vet (R4) C Senior/Masters/ Vintage (Championship) |
11:00am | (R1) Pro/AM 125 (R2) B Open (R3) B 250/B200 (R4) Sportsman (Non-Championship) |
11:40am | (R1) A Senior (R2) School Boy (12-17) (R3) B Vet (R4) B Senior |
12:20pm | (R1) Pro (R2) A 250 /A Vet (R3) A 200/A Open |
1:00 PM | (R1) Super Mini (R2) Mini SR ( 12-15) (R3) Mini JR (6-11)/ Girls |
1:40 PM | (R1) C 250 (R2) C Open (R3) C 200 |
2:20 PM | (R1) Women Pro/Women Amateur (R2) Super Senior (R3) C Vet (R4) C Senior/Masters/ Vintage (Championship) |
3:00 PM | (R1) Pro/AM 125 (R2) B Open (R3) B 250/B200 (R4) /Sportsman (Non-Championship) |
3:40 PM | (R1) A Senior (R2) School Boy (12-17) (R3) B Vet (R4) B Senior |
4:20 PM | (R1) Pro (R2) A 250 /A Vet (R3) A 200/A Open |
Waves are separated by 1-minute intervals and can be delayed due to crashes or significant incidents
All start times are tentative and can be changed at the discretion of J Day Off Road
Participants will line up on their assigned starting row in accordance with our official staging procedure. 40 minutes prior to each race, at Race Commander’s discretion, may call up riders individually to pick/reserve starting positions.
NO RACER OR RACER PARENT should walk up to the line to reserve a spot until their name is called.
First moto’s will be announced according to point standings and second moto’s will be announced according to first moto results.
Both staging announcements will go back 5 places and after the TOP 5, it will be first come first serve to all remaining riders in class.
TOP 10 are ONLY called for Pro Class both moto’s.
Classes that share one row will be called in alternating order.
Bikes are not permitted on the starting line during the staging procedure.
The rows will always have signage so that each participant can easily find which row they start on. No bike is permitted on the starting line until they have gone through Tech Inspection and are authorized.
The rider’s meeting will be on the starting line before the start of each race. All-important track updates will be announced at the riders meeting. All participants are responsible for attending.
The Race Commander will lift the green flag (7-10) seconds before the start of each race. When the green flag is dropped only the front wave (row) of riders will start their bikes and begin the race. This process will continue every minute until all the remaining waves are gone.
*** Racers with (ALL ELECTRIC) i.e (Stark, Alta) bikes on the starting line will have to have the THROTTLE HAND on top of their helmet during the (7-10) second lift of the green flag. Once the green flag is waved for the start of the race then the racer can reach for the throttle and go ***
Riders who accidentally or intentionally leave on a starting row ahead of their correct starting row will be penalized.
Riders who accidentally leave on a starting row behind their correct starting row will not be disqualified but their results will not be adjusted for their time lost.
** Pee Wee Starting Procedure- Pee Wee Sr will have a standard dead engine start. All other Pee Wee classes will be engine running **
** The A250/AVet class line will be row number 2 on all odd number rounds, followed by the A200/A Open class line on row 3. Even number rounds will switch with the A200/A Open class being row number 2, followed by A250/AVet on row 3. This is the only rotating class starting order **
Scoring will be done with the transponder method. Each rider will have a transponder under the visor of his or her helmet and a class specific sticker on the back of the helmet.
Riders are required to slow down while going through the scoring lanes. It is the rider’s responsibility to know his or her number at all times. It is the racers responsibility to place their racing number clearly on the bikes number panels, left chin and back of helmet (unobstructed by goggle straps).
It is highly recommended to have the correct number on your bike, and to cover any unused numbers.
Scoring checkpoints are “no passing zones”. Riders may pass if a rider crashes in front of them or if a lapped rider gives the lead rider space to do so.
The scoring area entrance will be marked with two orange cones to indicate the NO PASSING ZONE!
Riders will be penalized 45 seconds if they make a pass on a competitor in the scoring lane
Results are determined from the participants combined score of both moto results. They are then added together and the rider with the lower total wins. For example, a rider who wins both moto’s 1 + 1 = has a total of 2.
If (2) riders have a total score that ties. The rider who places lower in the second moto will win the tiebreaker and receive the lower overall position.
Individual class results will be posted on paper in the general vicinity of the registration area. Riders have (30 minutes) to file a protest to the Registration Trailer after the results have been posted.
In the result of a tie in championship points, the rider with more overall wins from the championship season will take the win. If the riders also tie in the number of wins, the rider with more second place finishes will win the tiebreaker. This pattern will continue until the tie is broken. If the riders also tie in overall wins and race finishes, he or she that scores more points in the final round will win the tiebreaker.
One throw away for the 2025 season
Numbers 1-15 in Heat 7 will be reserved for the Pro Class only. However, if a Pro chooses a number outside of 15 that is also acceptable. Any racer looking to do more than one J Day Event will need a permanent number and can reserve his or her number prior to the first J Day Event.
If a participant chooses to wait until the regular season for a permanent number, he or she may be given a number at random.
*Riders who wish to carry a permanent number from one year to the next may safely do so from January 1st- January 14th by purchasing a yearly membership on JDayOffRoad.Com. After January 14th all numbers that have not been renewed are open to the public. Riders may still purchase a membership/yearly number at any point during the season but risk losing their number.
If a class is full (60 riders depending on location of GP) and a rider who did NOT sign up in time & wishes to potentially race that class, he/she may show up to the registration trailer 10 minutes before the set moto start time.
If there are any riders that pre-registered and have not checked in at the registration trailer by this time, riders who are geared up and ready to go may take their spots.
Riders will still be required to fill out appropriate sign-up paperwork and pay the class race fee of $55.00 at that time.
It is first come first serve. Parents and other riders are not allowed to save spots. The riders who pre-registered and did not check in with sign up and lost their spots will not be given a refund.
The number of open spots varies depending on the race and it is not guaranteed that there will be any open spots.
*Protests are to be reported to the sign-up trailer.
*Race Commander and/or Registration Trailer make final calls on penalties.
*Verbal warnings given by Race Commander and/or Registration Trailer at their discretion.
*Sweep Rider(s) intel of course cutting and or any foul play has authority to report the action to the registration trailer for penalty.
*Championship determining protests may utilize a 24 hour review period
**The scoring team reserves the right to remove any results from previous events of the current season if a racer has been proven to not be conforming to the written rules**
*Major course cutting (over 10 seconds)
*Pre-riding the course on any bike with a twist throttle.
*Registration fraud (Rider Swaps – Lying – Fake Identification)
*Mid-moto bike swap
*Assault and/or battery, on or off course
*Vandalism and theft
*Re-entering the race course ahead of where exited
45 Second Penalty (per instance)
*Reckless endangerment of staff and/or spectators
*Minor course cutting (under 10 seconds)
*Passing at the finish line after the cones.
Penalized – (1) position (per instance, affecting overall position on the day)
*Reckless endangerment of other racers, including intentional ramming/contact
*Jumping on a Yellow Flag
False Start penalty, facing backwards next start
*Starting the race passed the painted line
*Engine running before flag drop
*Electric motorcycle starting without throttle hand on helmet
*Mechanical faults preventing a dead engine start may still line up and race. Affected racers must start facing backwards with the rear wheel on the painted starting line.
It is recommended that any participant racing for championship points should have the appropriate plate colors and numbers on their dirt bike, which includes the front plate and side plates.
Pro – Red plates and white numbers
**Pro racers will also be required to place the jdayoffroad.com logo sticker on the top left-hand corner of the front number plate. J Day Off Road stickers will be given out at signup**
Pro/AM 125 – Green plates and white numbers
Women Pro – Blue plates and white numbers
Women Amateur – Purple plates and white numbers
Super Senior – White plates and red numbers
Masters – Green plates and white numbers
Expert – A 200, A Open, A 250, A Vet, A Senior – White plates and black numbers
Amateur – B 200, B Open, B 250, B Vet, B Senior – Yellow plates and black numbers
Novice – C 200, C Open, C 250, C Vet, C Senior – Black plates and white numbers
Super Mini, School Boy – Red plates and white numbers
Mini SR (12-14) – White plates and black numbers
Mini JR (7-11) – Yellow plates and black numbers
Girls – Pink plates and white numbers
Pee Wee:
Pee Wee Senior – Red plates and white numbers
Pee Wee Bantam – White plates and black numbers
Pee Wee Electric – Green plates and white numbers
Pee Wee Trail Rider – Yellow plates and black numbers
Pee Wee Squirt – Black plates and white numbers
Pee Wee Girls – Pink plates and white numbers
Racers must sign up for their proper class. J Day Off Road recognizes all other off road race series including (Enduro, Hare Scrambles, GP and MX/SX/AX). Participants may only enter the same class level as they entered the previous year. If a racer is self-promoting, a waiver must be signed at the registration trailer.
Mini SR (12-15)
Must be at least 12 years old as of January 1st, 2025 and must not have turned 15 years old before January 1st, 2025. Participants may have front wheels no larger than 17” and rear wheels no larger than 14”. Two stroke motorcycle displacement may be no bigger than 112 cc and four strokes no bigger than 150cc. Any mini rider that has been promoted from Mini B or is an expert in any other championship off road series.
Mini JR (6-12)
Must be at least 6 years old as of January 1st, 2025 and must not have turned 12 years old before January 1st, 2025. Participants may have front wheels no larger than 17” and rear wheels no larger than 14”. Two stroke motorcycle displacement may be no bigger than 112 cc and four strokes no bigger than 150cc.
Super Mini
Must be at least 9 years old as of January 1st, 2025 and must not have turned 17 years old before January 2025. Big Wheel participants must have a 19” front tire and a 16” rear tire. Two stroke motorcycle displacement may be no smaller than 80 cc and no bigger than 112 cc. Four strokes no bigger than 150 cc.
Must be at least 5 years old as of January 1st, 2025 and must not have turned 18 years old before January 1st, 2025. Participants may have a front tire no bigger than 19” and a rear tire no bigger than 16”. Two stroke motorcycle displacement may be no bigger than 112 cc. Four strokes no bigger than 150 cc.
Pee Wee Squirt (4-8)
0-50cc air cooled, gas fueled models (50 CC Only) must be at least 4 years old by the day of the event and must not have turned 9 years old before January 1st, 2025. Max tire size – 10” Front, 10” Rear.
**Electric motorcycles are not permitted in the Pee Wee Squirt class
Pee Wee Girls
(4-11) up to 65 cc liquid cooled two strokes (air cooled two strokes up to 80cc) 70-110 cc four stroke air cooled and motorcycles with an electric drive system. Must be at least 4 years old by the day of the event and must not have turned 12 years old before January 1st, 2025. Max tire size- 12” Rear 14” Front.
Pee Wee Electric
(4-9) motorcycles with an electric drive system. Must be at least 4 years old by the day of the event and must not have turned 10 years old before January 1st, 2025. Max Tire Size 10” Rear 12” Front.
Pee Wee Bantam
(4-9) 0- 50 cc gas fueled two stroke air or liquid cooled. Must be at least 4 years old by the day of the event and must not have turned 10 years old before January 1st, 2025. Max Tire Size 10” Rear, 12” Front.
**Electric motorcycles are not permitted in the Pee Wee bantam class
Pee Wee SR
(6-11) up to 65 cc liquid cooled two strokes (Air cooled two strokes up to 80cc).
Must be at least 6 years old by the day of the event and must not have turned 12 years old before January 1st, 2025. Max tire size- 12” Rear 14” Front.
Pee Wee Trail Rider
(5-11) 70-110 cc four stroke air cooled. Must be at least 5 years old by the day of the event and must not have turned 12 years old before January 1st, 2025. Max tire size- 12” Rear 14” Front.
**Electric motorcycles are not permitted in the Pee Wee Trail Rider class**
School Boy (12-17) (Old JR A/B Class)
Must be at least 12 years old as of January 1st, 2025 and must not have turned 17 years old before January 1st, 2025. School Boy participants must have a front tire greater than 19” and a rear tire greater than 16”. 125 cc- open. (Full Size bikes only) AA/Pro Riders may not race the School Boy class.
The School Boy Class is considered an expert class amongst youth riders from ages 12-17. It is not an adult expert class. School Boy riders may also choose to participate in B or A adult classes.
Women Pro Class
Any women racer in any other championship off road/motocross series that is currently ranked as a professional, elite, AA or has been ranked pro or AA within the last 5 years. 85 cc – Open.
Women Amateur Class
Must ride a motorcycle with a rear tire no smaller than 16” and a front tire no smaller than 19”. Must be at least 12 years old as of January 1st, 2024.
30 years or older on the day of the event. Participants must ride a motorcycle with a rear tire no smaller than 16” and a front tire no smaller than 19”. Any displacement is allowed.
40 years or older on the day of the event. Participants must ride a motorcycle with a rear tire no smaller than 16” and a front tire no smaller than 19”. Any displacement is allowed.
Super Senior
50 years or older on the day of the event. Participants must ride a motorcycle with a rear tire no smaller than 16” and a front tire no smaller than 19”. Any displacement is allowed.
60 years or older on the day of the event. Participants must ride a motorcycle with a rear tire no smaller than 16” and a front tire no smaller than 19”. Any displacement is allowed.
The Sportsman class will be open to all adult riders, regardless of ability level, age, or bike size. (Full Size Bikes ONLY – 125cc+ / 21” Front Wheel)
Open to any rider ability, rider age, and engine displacement. Bikes 2000 and older.
A/B/C 200
122- 200 cc
A/B/C- 250
201- 250 cc
A/B/C- Open
122- open cc
122 – open cc
122 – open cc
122 – open cc
Any racer in any other championship off-road/motocross series that is currently ranked as a professional, or AA, or has scored AA/Pro points in ANY SERIES (GNCC, NEPG, ISDE SPRINT ENDURO, P27 OFF ROAD, NESC, ETC) of the CURRENT season. Participants may be asked to provide proof at sign up via pro/AA license or results from no earlier than 2023. If the participant does not have a pro/AA card, the rider is responsible to produce prior event results proving that he or she has raced in the pro/AA class. (Event may be no earlier than 2023).
**Pro riders may not race the School Boy (12-17) class**
Pro/AM 125 Class
This class is open to pro riders and expert riders only.
**Racers must race a SMALL BORE TWO-STROKE 122CC – 200CC**
Off road motorcycle racing is a dangerous sport, and the decision to attend any pre-organized J Day Off Road event is 100% voluntary and absolutely under no circumstance shall any participant, spectator, vendor, or guest file any claim for reparation, financial loss, personal injury or death against J Day Off Road.
**The race commander shall reserve the right to penalize, disqualify, or make any necessary adjustments to existing rules due to any special circumstances of the track, location, or other special conditions**
Pre-riding The Track
Racers may not pre ride the J Day Off Road course once the track has been laid out with ribbon. This includes any bike or motorcycle with a twist throttle. Riders will be immediately disqualified. If the J Day track location is at a motocross facility, riders may still ride during Saturday open practice on the motocross track. Participating in a Saturday event does not count as pre-riding.
Safety Equipment
It is the participant’s responsibility to wear the proper safety gear during competition.
Helmets must be D.O.T. approved by the Snell Memorial Foundation and have a D.O.T. approval sticker at all times. All helmets must have a “D Ring” fastener only.
Eye Protection
All J Day Off Road participants are required to wear shatter resistant eye protection at all times during competition.
Protective Clothing
Protective clothing is mandatory and includes gloves, long sleeve jersey, pants and knee pads.
All event participants must wear sturdy boots that are ankle height or above.
**J Day Off Road reserves the right to inspect the entrant’s safety gear upon request**
Sweepers/Course Officials
Sweep riders reserve the right to pre-ride the course.
Sweep riders will circulate the course throughout the duration of the days event.
Sweep riders reserve the right to slow down racers when necessary.
Sweep riders on foot controlling race traffic are to be respected as a Yellow Flag.
Sweep riders accept reports of any injuries on the course.
Sweep riders are marked with Hi-Vis vests and/or number plate markings
**Racers must stay with their broken-down motorcycle to receive a quad tow**
Flags & Course Markings
Green Flag- Starting flag
Yellow Flag- Caution, or slow down! Docked one position only
*Jumping is not allowed if a yellow flag is being used on any particular jump. Jumping during the presence of a yellow flag will result in a docked position or a 1-minute penalty.
*Not slowing down in the presence of a yellow flag may also result in a docked position or a 1-minute penalty.
Black Flag- Exit the track immediately where a black flag has been waived. It is possible for individual riders to receive the black flag if they are penalized. The black flag may also be thrown to the entire class if a restart is necessary
Blue Flag- Please yield to faster racers that are on the lead lap
White Flag- 1 lap remaining
Checkered Flag- Race is complete!
Race arrows will confirm direction of the race course.
Riders must remain on the trail or within 20 FEET of the trail at all times. However, a rider shall not leave the marked trail when ribbon, banners or double arrows are used. If the track features a motocross course, riders must always stay within the natural boundaries of the track.
X-Markings signify danger or caution
Dangerous Riding
NO participants may ride in such a manner as to endanger life or limb of other racers, officials or the public. The race commander has the right to penalize and or disqualify for the reckless operation of their machine, including but not limited to intentional contact with another racer, or general reckless riding.
Mechanics and Repairs – Mechanical repairs and adjustments to the participant’s bike are only accepted outside of the race course boundary. Riders must reenter the track where they originally left the track. Failure to reenter the track properly will result in disqualification.
Switching Bikes– Riders may not switch bikes during a moto. This is defined as any time after the flag drops for your class, until the race is concluded. Riders may use a different bike for the second moto provided it fits the class requirements*
Towing – Motorcycle towing is NOT allowed
Promotional points are accumulated from year to year and do not expire. Promotional points are awarded per individual classes for each event, not individual moto’s/heats.
Riders will receive an email once they reach 30 points. (Mini-25 points)
Round 7 Rule- Promoting to a new class is no longer mandatory after round seven and becomes optional for the remainder of the season.
Promotional Point Formula:
5th = 1 Point
4th = 2 Points
3rd = 3 Points
2nd = 4 Points
1st = 5 Points
When a rider accumulates 30 Promotional Points, he/she will be promoted to the next level.
Pro/AA Class– The top 15 Overall in the YEAR END CHAMPIONSHIP from the Pro Heat (7 & 13) will earn a spot in the J Day Pro Class for the following season.
Promotional points for Pro Class
*Pro/AA Class- The Top 15 Overall in the year end championship from the Pro Heat (7 & 13) will earn a spot in the J Day Pro Class for the following season.
Promotional points are awarded for each event, not individual moto’s/heats.
Promotional points will be given to the TOP 20 finishers of individual events
18th =3
NO Promotional Points for Schoolboy, Super mini, Girls, Masters, Super Senior, A Senior, Pee Wee Classes
If a rider is promoted in another championship series and he or she then races an event in the higher-ranking class, he or she must then self-promote in the J Day Off Road Series.
If a rider is promoted mid-season, he or she may be required to change his or her number.
**If a rider self-promotes, he or she may not move back down to a lower-class division within that race season**
A rider may petition to self-demote if he or she feels they are no longer capable of racing at their former skill level due to extensive time off from racing, long term injury etc. Requests must be emailed to J Day Off Road. Permission to demote may only be granted via email. In a protest scenario, “Sandbagging” can only be proven with past race results that clearly state the racer raced in a higher class in the current year or previous year.
Self-demotions are still not allowed if the racer entered any events in the class, they wish to demote from in the previous season due to their class being full at one of our events. There are no exceptions.
*J Day Off Road reserves the right to amend the rule book mid-season. Any changes made will be dated
Standard studded tires / friction spikes are allowed. Gold screws are NOT allowed. No Screws will be allowed from the inside out such as tapcons for safety concerns. J Day Off Road reserves the right to inspect the entrant’s tires upon request
*membership required
*$50 entry
*Two 30 min motos on Pee Wee course
*payout for mod classes only
*minimum super mini/mini SR ability requirement
*one throw away
-14” stock
110cc max, 14” tire max, steel OEM swingarm, OEM forks
-14” mod
14” tire max, stock bikes permitted
-19” stock
OEM displacement, 19” tire max, OEM forks and swingarm
-19” mod
212cc max, 19” tire max, stock bikes permitted
Starting Positions
Row 1- 19” stock and mod
Row 2- 14” stock and mod
**2 classes: Stock,Mod
Stock class rules:
Mod class rules:
-8am-10:30am Minis shortened course
-11am-5pm Adults
-extended course (shooting for ~30 min lap time at A pace)
-large 24hr style horse-shoe or square grid lane pit, shared by mini and adults, first come first serve. No pitting outside of the marked pits. Walking pace speed limit
-one transponder supplied to each team, to be passed off by team members. Transponders registered to team name